Seven Soils exists to provide pathways for Believers to advance the Gospel of Jesus to the places it has not yet reached.
Our partners in Nepal hiking into high elevation villages to spread the Gospel of Jesus.
Difficult or Dangerous (and sometimes both)
Our partners around the world are dedicated to reaching people in places the Gospel has not reached. These places are exceedingly difficult to get to. Picture trekking the sides of Himalayan mountains with remote villages where people have never heard of Jesus. Picture a canoe ride and two hour hike at the end of a 9 hour car ride down the dustiest offroads to a remote African village on an island with no running water, electricity, or vehicles.
Or they are dangerous. Many have been threatened with jail, financial ruin, and even death.
Seven Soils is dedicated to providing resources required to fulfill this mission.
“Seven Soils is creating an ever-expanding network of grassroots, gospel-centered activities penetrating the places where the Gospel of Jesus has not yet reached.”
— Jeff McAnally, Director of Missions
What We Do
Here’s what you need to know first: there is a great movement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the nations. The most common name for this movement is Mobilization. Most simply put, the global church is becoming a missionary force. Thousands of Christians in countries around the world have answered the call to spread the Gospel to their country and others.
Therefore, Seven Soils exists to provide support and resources to this movement. Although this provision is broad and dynamic, there are three main areas that Seven Soils emphasizes:
Train: equip Believers everywhere to become missionaries around the world
Connect: connect the Western church to the Global church
Resource: provide the resources to fulfill the Great Commission
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